Deadline looming? Get started!

Give us a call at 415-553-4000, send a fax to 415-553-4020, or email

Tell us what you need, and how soon you’ll need it, and we’ll discuss what it will cost. We provide estimates for every project, and we will work with you on budget.

There is no charge for the initial consultation.

During that consultation we'll talk about what you need, and how we will meet that need. You'll then have a chance to decide — right then or in the following days — whether you want to go forward with the work. If so, we’ll assign a researcher based on his or her experience in the particular area of law, and the researcher will then contact you.

You can control the work to the extent you deem necessary. Many lawyers want to get the work off their desks and out of their minds, and once they give us an assignment they want no further involvement until they receive the completed product from us, ready for filing. Other lawyers like to stay in frequent touch with our researcher as the work proceeds. Either way, Quo Jure's managing attorneys will provide a final polish of the researcher's draft, to assure quality and consistency.

Once the document is in final form, edited for form and content, we'll email it to you. If it’s a court document, it will be ready to sign and file.

Quo Jure stands behind its work — we wouldn’t still be around if we didn’t do good work, and do it timely. Our repeat customers are why we’re still in business.

We provide a full range of legal drafting services. »